Watershed Arts Center
RisingLeaf Watershed Arts Education
Carmel River Watershed Learning Map
Watershed Festival of Life
A Watershed Experience
Carmel River Steelhead Rescue
Storm Drain Stenciling
World Water Day
Spectacular Alaska Trip Raffle

Organization of Programs

Awareness Interaction Application

We offer classes and workshops as much as possible in concert with the seasons and cycles of the year.

1. Awareness

Stories of Place – To include, but not limited to:

  • River stories- “Gathering of the Waters” - Winter and Spring
  • Stories in the rocks (Geology)
  • Stories on the wings of birds and butterflies and river insects.
  • Tracking -..animal stories through tracks
  • Night Sky Stories (Constellations and the Moon)

Slide shows/ presentations given by artists who are exploring new forms of expression that incorporate art, science and restoration. - Seasonal

Slide show(s) on Permaculture and Ecological Design - Any time

Scientific Illustration - Migration patterns

Nature journaling classes/workshops. - Seasonal

Cultural Heritage/Native American history workshops/hikes to learn about the land from the Native American point of view. Time offered according to their stories and how the stories relate to the seasons.

Radio and Access Monterey Peninsula T.V. programs - Year round

Palabras del Rio Poetry Reading - Spring

Movies on watershed issues and watershed appreciation.

Art and nature appreciation for special needs populations.

Document through art a focus on land before and after a prescribed burn and .

2. Interaction

Paint large canvas images of Ohlone, Essalen Indians, animals of the watershed and place them in areas that one would not normally expect them…place them in their historic range. Generate conversations with passersby - Spring and Summer

“Watershed Arts Project” – invite local and national artists to depict the watershed.

Music classes/events based on sounds and rhythms form the natural world (Keith Terry)

Other music classes/events – bring in guest musicians who focus on the natural world.

Hold intergenerational events such as weekly luncheons or outings that feature storytelling by seniors who have lived in Carmel Valley and the peninsula and witnessed the historical changes. Put stories on website - Winter and Fall

Poetry workshops/outreach messages through schools and general public in preparation for Palabras del Rio poetry reading - Fall

Bioregional/mapmaking workshops

History quilt of the watershed – weaving the fabric of voices and the land. Contact locals about the history to share their stories.

Community Art installations in the river.

Basket weaving – weaving the food web and stories.

Community Art Show about water and fire.

All Species Day – puppetry and procession – Held as part of the
Watershed Festival of Life

Theater workshops presented independently, or in collaboration with, area theater groups.

Public art workshops where art that is created is displayed at outdoor locations throughout the Carmel Valley and Monterey Peninsula.

Establish outdoor sculpture show that highlights our connections to the land and river.

3. Application

Storm Drain stenciling - Summer and Fall

Public Drinking Fountain labeling (For example: You are drinking the water that Carmel River steelhead share with us)

Natural building workshops - Late spring, summer, fall

Restoration Projects in association with other organizations

Service learning programs for students of peninsula schools focusing on native plant propagation and restoration. – fall and spring

Convert old containers to rain collection barrels – Incorporate into Watershed Experience classes.

Restoration events throughout the valley that bring together the art and science of restoration. Includes Fire ecology , goat grazing for fire suppression. How can goats help us understand the connections to other animals and plants in the health of the watershed?

Permaculture classes

Classes in printmaking, bookmaking and papermaking. Make paper from local fibers/plant materials /recycled paper - Summer

Environmental Totem Poles using found objects

Develop a “Watershed Currentsea” program using local artist work to grace the currency notes (Salt Spring Island)– These local currency notes would be part of a system that local businesses could accept in lieu of actual cash that would then be cashed in at a later date at a bank (Berk-Share system). Students/teens in community service programs could be paid in this way. Establishing a system such as this would help in spreading the word throughout the community about RisingLeaf watershed Arts and could help to establish a small rotating fund (Toronto Dollar system) to support other educational projects for RisingLeaf.