Our Mission & Purpose

To facilitate holistic experiences in the arts and nature that deepen our commitment to community and the watershed in which we live.

By broadening our identity with all of Life, we learn to be and act in ways that are in harmony with each other and the natural world.

Why Watershed?

We all live in a watershed, from mountain top ridges to city streets and all the land in between.

We are inextricably linked to the water that flows from the rivers and streams into these lands and oceans.

In becoming more fully aware of the earth and rivers, air and oceans, we can act in responsible ways for the health of all.


Create, Coordinate and Facilitate experiences in the arts and sciences that enhance understanding and celebration of the Carmel River Watershed and of watersheds and bioregions around the planet.

Develop partnerships with organizations and individuals that further the knowledge restoration, and enjoyment of the Carmel River Watershed, and other watersheds and bioregions.

Use Multi-media communications, publications, lecture series, workshops, performances, and exhibitions of artwork to enliven peoples' sense of place.

Organize restoration activities in the Carmel River Watershed.

Establish the RisingLeaf Watershed Arts Center that demonstrates sustainable land and water use, native landscape design, organic food growing, and ecological building techniques.

Water..."with simplicity, it links all aspects of our existence. " - Gary Snyder


All site content©Paola Berthoin/RisingLeaf unless
otherwise noted

Site Development and Maintenance by Lived Learning


Watershed Arts

Watershed Arts Education

Carmel River
Learning Map

Festival of Life

A Watershed Experience

Carmel River

Storm Drain

World Water Day

