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Watershed Arts

Support from Elected Officials

Watershed Arts Education



2005 Festival

2005 Second Annual Watershed Festival
of Life

2005 Solar Homes


Watershed Arts Center
Support from Elected Officials and
Community Leaders

"As the Assemblymember for the 27th District, I fully support the goals of RisingLeaf Watershed Arts and their proposal to establish a Watershed Arts Center in Carmel Valley. Water, of course, is one of the most important resources we have. Creative approaches such as those undertaken by RisingLeaf Watershed Arts will be necessary component as we address our water needs." -- Assemblyman John Laird, 2004

"I am enthusiatic about all efforts to educate the public about the importance of protecting, preserving and enhancing one of our most valuable resources. The RisingLeaf Watershed Arts Center will serve an important function in our area, one that is not currently being met. The multi-faceted approach being proposed will garner the involvement of students, teachers, seniors, artists, scientists and many others in our community." -- Supervisor Dave Potter, 2001

" I wish to express my support for the RisingLeaf Watershed Arts proposal to establish a Watershed Arts Center in Carmel Valley. This project has the potential of benefiting our whole community including the building trades, water purveyors, planning agencies, neighborhood
groups, schools, land developers, agricultural growers, tourism, arts and science organizations. The effects of such a center can bring about fundamental change in the way we live on the land we inhabit and how we live in relation with each other. This can lead to the protection of our
rivers and ocean." --
Assemblyman Fred Keeley, 2002

"I very much enjoyed hearing about the work of RisingLeaf Watershed Arts. I am particularly encouraged by the work of your organization to establish a watershed community center in Carmel Valley. Such a center, as you outlined to me, would act as an important case study in Monterey County for residents and visitors as it will promote watershed health through ecological design, a comprehensive approach of educating about watersheds through the arts and sciences, and building structures which are sensitive to the land." -- CongressmanSam Farr, 2003

"It gives me great pleasure to share my support for the RisingLeaf Watershed Arts proposal for a Watershed Arts Center in Carmel Valley. I believe they are the right group to bring this fantastic educational resource to our area. Carmel Valley is a very unique place drawing creative thinkers fromaround the world. We are in need of a Center to bring together their ideas
and then to channel ideas into action for local and global solutions.

The Watershed Institute of the California State University Monterey Bay sees the Watershed Arts proposal as bringing watershed arts and sustainable thinking a complement to our work in watershed monitoring, modeling, and restoration. We encourage your support of the RisingLeaf proposal." -- Laura Lee Lienk, Co-Director, Watershed Institute, 2004

"It is with great sense of privilege that I am writing this letter in support of RisingLeaf Watershed Arts....What clearly reveals itself to me, as I pause, is my heartfelt desire to build a sturdy bridge from my acre to the Carmel River Watershed which has been sustaining me - abundantly so- for these past twenty years. Let my next twenty years be dedicated to the healing and longevity of this grace-filled Monterey Peninsula.

This is why I feel particularly honored to pledge my support to RisingLeaf Watershed Arts. I invite you to join me." -- Melissa Taylor, 2002

"At the Big Sur Land Trust, we appreciate and support the positive work by RisingLeaf Watershed Arts to promote a new learning center along the Carmel River. It is our hope that this center will become a reality within the emerging plans for a Carmel River Parkway at the mouth of Carmel Valley." -- Bill Leahy, Executive Director, Big Sur Land Trust, 2005

Acknowledgement of RisingLeaf's "support and considerable contribution to the Vision Plan" by the the Carmel River Parkway 606 Studio Design Team, 2005:

"Paola Berthoin and Pamela Krone-Davis, whose commitment to facilitate holistic experiences by integrating the arts and sciences in watershed education provides a valuable asset to the local community. Their enthusiastic promotion of sustainable living promises exciting opportunities
for the future of the region."

RisingLeaf Watershed Arts is a 501(c)(3) public benefit organization.
Contributions are tax-deductible in accord with California and IRS regulations.
Tax ID #74-3065745

All site content©Paola Berthoin/RisingLeaf
unless otherwise noted

Site Development and Maintenance by Lived Learning